Sunday, June 29, 2008

SBS 2003: Activate Your Server and Add CALs

hi there - I am harry brelsford, author of the infamous SBS 2003 purple book and I am posting up a few pages per day until SBS 2008 ships.
Today we activate the SBS 2003 and add Client Access Licenses (CALs) - all from the amazing To DO List
cheers...harrybbb harry brelsford, ceo at smb nation,
Activate Your Server
In the real world, you would now click the Activate Your Server task on the To Do List and complete it. Because you are creating an imaginary network for SPRINGERS, let’s not do that and say we did! Seriously, when you make a second pass at your SBS network, you will, of course, complete this task.
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Server activation can occur online or via the telephone. Server activation is required because your server will otherwise become inoperable 14 days after creation if it isn’t activated.
Add Client Licenses
Here again, in the real world, you’d likely add more client access licenses (CALs) in order to support the full staff at your small business site. Earlier I spoke to licensing and its improvements (purchase online, device and user CALs, etc.).
In the case of SPRINGERS, we’re gonna keep it simple and not dig deeper into your hip pocket to make you purchase CALs. Remember, this is a sample network to learn SBS 2003. Later, when you’re “live,” you’ll proceed to purchase the required CALs you need.
BEST PRACTICE: Now select the Done checkbox on the To Do List
for the two tasks discussed immediately above.

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