Thursday, June 26, 2008

CEICW completion in SBS 2003

Hello loyal readers - today we complete the CEICW in SBS 2003. Thanks for reading.
Harrybbbbbb, author of Windows Small Business Server 2003 Best Practices
Harry Brlesford SMB Nation
11. On the Web Server Certificate, select Create a new Web server cer­tificate and complete the Web server name field by typing Your screen should look similar to Fig­ure 4-11.

Figure 4-11
Creating the full Internet name for external clients to receive security certification.
BEST PRACTICE: What you’ve done in Figure 4-11 is provide the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that can be accessed directly over the Internet. Remember, you’ll need a resource record (“A” record) registered in the DNS at your ISP which points to the IP address of your wild side network adapter card to make the FQDN functional in this scenario. In the case of SPRINGERS, the IP address would point to springers1. via an A record at the ISP. Whew!
Oh - another war story. Perhaps you completed the original online SBS 2003 hands-on lab that was released in mid-July 2003 with the release candidate software ( In that hands-on lab, there was an exercise where you completed the EICW. On the Web Server Certificate page of the EICW, you configured the Web server name field with Denver.wood­grovebank.local. So what’s wrong with that picture? The *.local domain extension as part of your FQDN entry can’t be referenced externally. So that would be a mistake. One way that you could satisfy your own curiosity about this matter would be to click the More Information button. The first sentence that describes the first option (Create a new Web server certificate) spells it out clearly by saying “...access your server from the Internet.”).

12. Select Enable Internet e-mail on the Internet E-mail page and click Next.

13. Select Use DNS to route e-mail on the E-mail Delivery Method page and click Next. This is the most common setting when using Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)-based e-mail, and it is indeed part of the SPRINGERS story line.

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14. On the E-mail Retrieval Method page, select Use Exchange and verify that E-mail is delivered directly to my server. Click Next. This is shown in Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12
In the case of SPRINGERS and in the real world, you typically have your e-mail delivered directly to the SBS server machine.
15. On the E-mail Domain Name page, type in the E-mail domain name field. This is shown in Figure 4-13.
BEST PRACTICE: Here again, if you took the online SBS 2003 hands-on lab available after mid-July 2003 ( partners), you might recall that you were instructed on the E-mail Domain Name screen to enter a third-tier domain name (e.g., There is a problem with this instruction in that you only want to enter a second-tier domain name (e.g.,
Figure 4-13
Enter for the register Internet e-mail domain name.
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16. On the Remove E-mail Attachments page, confirm that Enable Exchange Server to remove Internet e-mail attachments that have the following extensions. Then observe that all of the file name extensions are selected. This is shown in Figure 4-14. Click Next.
Figure 4-14
This is a really cool new feature in SBS 2003: the ability to block harmful e-mail attachments!
BEST PRACTICE: Exactly what are these harmful e-mail attachments, anyway? And how are they blocked? Are the attachments blocked on POP3 e-mail in addition to SMTP e-mail? The answers to all your questions can be found by clicking the More Information button on the Remove E-mail Attachments page. Take a moment to do that now.
17. On the Completing the Configure E-mail and Internet Connec­tion Wizard page, click the link at the bottom titled here. You will proceed to create a network notebook.
18. As seen in Figure 4-15, a Web page displaying the EICW configura­tion information appears when you select the “here” link in the prior step. Select File, Save As and save the file as EICW Configura­tion.htm in the default location (My Documents). Click Save.
BEST PRACTICE: A few comments about this “network notebook” capability in the SBS 2003. First, major hats off to the SBS development team for adding this capability, because every SBS and SMB consultant I know worth their salt has always wanted to do a better job of documenting their network! More important, if you’re the second SBS consultant at a customer’s site, you’ll be mighty appreciative if your predecessor had taken the time to perform this type of documentation.
Second, at the end of any native SBS 2003 wizard, you are presented with a “here” link to facilitate the creation of this network notebook. So, no excuses for not taking an extra moment to literally click “here” and document that network!
Third, look at the default naming in Figure 4-15 below. Notice it’s a sorta hokey looking file name. That’s why you rename the file to be more descriptive in Step 18 above. Fourth, you’re going to plop all of these network notebook files in a folder that becomes your de facto notebook binder.
Oh - you can still follow my advice from my prior book (Small Business Server 2000 Best Practices) and simply select the configuration information via your mouse on the completion page (Step 17) by typing CTRL-C to copy it to the operating system clipboard and then selecting CTRL-V to paste it into a text document (say in WordPad).
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Figure 4-15
Displaying network configuration information.

19. Close the Web page displaying the configuration information and click Finish back on the completion page. The EICW configuration process will take several minutes. Click Close at the end of the con­figuration process.

20. A dialog box will appear notifying you that password policies have not been enabled on the network. Let’s go ahead and do that now, so click Yes.

21. Select all checkboxes on the Configure Password Policies dialog
box (Figure 4-16) and click OK. Figure 4-16
Implementing meaningful password policies reflects security improvements in SBS 2003.
22. Click OK when notified that your server is connected to the Internet and immediately apply the latest critical and security updates. This is a great reminder and much appreciated. In the real world, you would do exactly what is being suggested (with SPRINGERS, I’m assum­ing you’re building this on a test network possibly without a real Internet connection, so please make the necessary adjustments). When you click OK, Internet Explorer will attempt to connect to the Microsoft update site. In the case of SPRINGERS (assuming you aren’t truly connected to the Internet) simply close the Web page. I discuss the updating process in Chapter 5.
BEST PRACTICE: By the way (BTW), if you launch Internet Explorer on the SBS 2003 server machine (SPRINGER1) prior to launching and completing the EICW, you will see the Web page displayed in
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Figure 4-17. Interestingly, it is a Web page describing the process of
how to complete the EICW.
Figure 4-17
Internet Explorer encourages you to complete the EICW when you first launch it on an SBS 2003 server machine.
After your run the EICW, the default Web page programmatically changes to CompanyWeb, as seen in Figure 4-18. Note that it’ll take a moment the first time you launch Internet Explorer post-EICW, as some background page-building activity will occur.
Figure 4-18
Post-EICW, the default Web page becomes CompanyWeb.
It’s been a long haul so far in this chapter, and we’ve got a long way to go. Take a break and I’ll see you back here after a cup of coffee.

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