Thursday, June 26, 2008

MS Research seeking Managed Services test subjects in Redmond

Call for Managed Service Providers

Microsoft User Research is looking for individuals from companies who provide proactive, outsourced IT services for multiple businesses; these services could include backing up data, installing patches, keeping AV software up-to-date, and management of other IT assets.

It is important for you to know that you do not need to prepare anything to participate. We want to learn from you, the experts, to determine what needs to be improved in our software. We highly value your feedback and will be offering you a gratuity option in appreciation of your time and participation.

If you are interested or know someone who could be interested in participating, please email us at and include MSP in the subject line. For information on other studies and to learn more about Microsoft's User Research program email us.

harry brelsford, ceo at smb nation,

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