Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ready, SEt, Go - Install SBS 2003 (SBS 2003 Best Practices book excerpt)

Hi gang - I am harry brelsford, the author of the Windows Small Business Server 2003 Best Practices book (SMB Nation Press). I am posting up a few pages a day of my book (aka purple book) and hope to have it completely i the wild by the time SBS 2008 ships! Let me know what you think.
Harry Brelsford CEO SMB Nation
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Ready, Set, Go
Make sure you’re familiar and armed with the numerous SBS setup sheets from Chapter 2. If this is your first pass through the book, these sheets, which reflect setup information for SPRINGERS, have been completed for you. If this is your second pass through the book, and you’re installing SBS for real, gather blank setup sheets from my Web site at Much of the information on the setup sheets will be called for in the next section.
You are now ready to install SBS 2003.
BEST PRACTICE: Let’s take a deep breath at this point to reflect and meditate for a moment on exactly what is going on here. The planning and installation presented to date, and the forthcoming setup steps, are based on the viewpoint of SPRINGERS. Why? Because this book has been written with the idea in mind that, if you invest some of your limited time and you follow each step in this book, you will be a bona fide SBSer with a functional network for SPRINGERS. That is the underlying paradigm to how I wrote this book, and as you might imagine, I jealously guard my SPRINGERS methodology for quality assurances purposes.
Now, granted, your situation may be dramatically different if you install more than one SBS network (particularly if you are an SBS consultant). For example, one client site may use an IDE-based disk system on an older computer as the server machine. Another site may use a SCSI-based computer as the server machine. And yet another site may use a SCSI or IDE RAID array hard disk storage system. Variations in SBS implementations will exist, depending on your unique situation. Another area of variation is data migration. You may or may not have data to migrate from another machine, another partition of the existing machine that you are installing SBS on. Talk about an area where things can vary on a case-by-case basis, that area would be in data (some data is comma separated value, some is text, some uses XML, etc.)
So what’s the bottom line? Stick with me and follow this methodology exactly and you’ll have a functional SBS network for SPRINGERS after completing this book (I’m assuming it would take you about a month to complete the book from start to finish). But in the very next breathe, I’m not as tough of an old Angus bull as I first appear. If you are reading this book for pleasure and do not care to follow SPRINGERS rhyme and verse, God be with you and it’s likely you’ll still derive great value from these pages. But back to the SPRINGERS methodology. As an example, I have a printer installed on the SBS
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network later in the chapter, but you might not have a printer in the real world of SBS implementations. While it’s unlikely you don’t have a printer, SBS can be implemented without incident without a printer. Heck, you can even install the Shared Fax Service without a modem attached!
Vary from this specific methodology and you’re on your own. (Sorry, mate!) And again, I do try to accommodate different scenarios as much as possible (such as the upgrade discussion in Appendix B). Thanks!
The first step assumes that you have a server machine that will boot from the CD drive. You are then sufficiently equipped and ready for the next section that commences the step-by-step setup procedure.

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