Saturday, August 9, 2008

Final Thoughts: WSS in SBS 2003

Hi gang - today we reach the end of Chapter 7 of Windows Small Business Server 2003 Best Practices - which focused on Windows SharePoint Services (WSS). I have a few random coolisms and then end by pointing you to 'day SharePoint man Bill English.

enjoy the read...harrybbbb

Harry Brelsford | CEO at SMB Nation |

Microsoft Small Business Specialist (SBSC) MBA, MCSE,MCT, CNE and other stuff!


Additional WSS Cool Stuff

Enough SPRINGERS step-by-step for a now. I want you to, in your free time, click around WSS and explore the following cool features (I will drill deeply into these areas in my advanced SBS book, so consider this a sneak peek!). You will want to use some or all of these cool things in the real world of SBSing to truly add value.


Granted, you’ve already worked a lot with documents in this chapter, but I highly recommend you delve deeper into the documents area to learn more. By clicking on Documents and Lists, you can see the types of documents that are suggested for storage in WSS. You will appreciate the descriptive text.

BEST PRACTICE: The incoming fax archive and its functionality to

the fax service (more in Chapter 9) is unique to SBS 2003.


This link defines itself but you might use this area as a photo archive.


Visit for the latest updates for any Microsoft product.


Here are some pointers to some additional SharePoint resources. This chapter, while capable for launching you into using WSS in SBS 2003, is only a start. You have much work ahead of you to master WSS!

Bill English books

Buy anything written by Bill English, a leading SharePoint consultant and author (he is also a SharePoint MVP). You can search on his name and the word “SharePoint” at Amazon to find his latest offerings. As of this writing, his current book, The Administrator’s Guide to SharePoint Portal Server 2001 (Addison-Wesley), is being updated.

By the way, a quick search on Amazon on the term “SharePoint” resulted in a shocking lack of books on this super cool application area (as of late 2003). I’m sure that’ll be remedied within a few weeks as more books hit the stands.

Visit for the latest updates for any Microsoft product.

And how could you forget that I’ll provide more and more SharePoint secrets in the context of SBS 2003 in my forthcoming advanced SBS 2003 book. Keep monitoring for details.

SharePoint Web sites

Because I’m such a fan of Bill English books, you can’t be too surprised that I’d recommend his excellent SharePoint Web site: www.sharepointknow­ Microsoft’s own site for SharePoint is excellent at www.micro­ Searching on Google with the term “SharePoint” resulted in numerous hits including,,, and many other sites! Many of these sites are excellent resources (and the most current resources available).

SharePoint courses

During the depths of the technology recession in the early 21st century, some members of the SBS development team whispered in my ear that I should take the Microsoft Official Curriculum course for SharePoint. And given that it was August (read slow dog days of summer) and my billable hours were down, I went back to school to learn SharePoint. I was led to believe I’d be glad I did once SBS 2003 shipped. The advice was well-founded, because once SBS 2003 hit the streets, I felt I knew WSS reasonably well. You should heed the same advice and go take some courses on SharePoint. As of this writing, the SharePoint curriculum is being revised and you are encouraged to check the Microsoft training site at for the most current course listings. For the record, I took course 2095: Implementing Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001, and I was very pleased (note this is the old SharePoint product).

Bill English delivers SharePoint courses and workshops. Check for his latest offerings. As of this writing, Bill is offering a summit (a four-day course typically in Orlando, Florida, or Anaheim, California, for $2,495) at (Figure 7-29).


Figure 7-29

Take in some sun in Orlando, Florida to attend the SharePoint Summit!

There is also a SharePoint Boot Camp offering in the US. Visit for details.


This chapter had both a technical and business message focused on WSS. On the technical side, you worked with many primary elements of WSS including the document management and Intranet portal features. On the business side, you were exposed to some value-added thinking about how WSS can extend the SBS network and provide real solutions to real business problems, such as managing information inside a small business. WSS is one of the more important and popular features in SBS 2003, so you should use it to deliver your services as an SBSer to end users in the organization.

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